Presentation Description: The analysis and comparison between a PFC stage implementation based on discrete or power modules SiC based approach for On-Board-Charger (OBC), application is introduced. Thermal behavior consideration and passive components design are the main topics under investigation. The design constraints, both in discrete and module configurations, are detailed under different operating conditions. The theoretical aspects and analytical evaluation is deeply described highlighting pros and cons in a real OBC design. A three phase 2-level PFC topology has been considered by using power losses estimation tool and physical hardware design of passive components and thermal management system. The final experimental validation has been carried out using two different power platforms based on a 6-switch PFC stage with a novel highly integrated SiC MOSFET power module or discrete SiC HiP247 package solution respectively. The topic dealt in this paper is of interest for power converter designers and system integrators, application engineers and technical marketing engineers, students.