Power Integrations
Karthick Murukesan currently works as staff device engineer at power integrations and leads teh 1.7kV GaN development at POWI.
Karthick Murukesan pursued his Ph.D. as Dr. Manmohan Singh Scholar (St.John's Scholar) in Electrical Engineering at University of Cambridge and holds a Master's degree in electrical engineering specialising in Microelectronics from Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay (IIT-B).
He has an unique international work experience from Silicon Valley USA, UK, Ireland, Taiwan, Singapore, India across F500 industries and R&D with demonstrated transferable skills in Technology development, product line management, strategy development & team building. Having worked at TSMC, Taiwan; Facebook Reality Labs, Ireland; SERIS, Singapore he has deep translational expertise in technology bring up involving Si, GaN, new materials for CMOS,Power, Analog/RF/Mixed signal, automotive, uLED, solar and emerging Artificial Intelligence edge computing applications. He has filed 9 US patents (5 as lead inventor) and penned 11 research articles to date. He is currently working in Silicon Valley with O1 visa.
T04.1 - State of the Art 1.7kV Lateral GaN HEMTs, an Alternative to SiC
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
8:30 AM – 8:50 AM ET
New Era of Power Technologies, Devices, Topologies and Applications
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
8:30 AM – 11:55 AM ET